
OAuth Migration Process

At UPS® Customer Solutions, we are dedicated to providing the best service and security to our customers. To give you control over which of your UPS shipping accounts are accessible to an application, we have implemented a new authentication and authorization technology, called OAuth, for applications to access your accounts. This will not change the way end users log into applications, only how the application authenticates to access your shipping accounts.

In this section of the Learning Center, you will find comprehensive guides and resources designed to assist you at every stage of your migration to OAuth. We have also included specific documents for the Intelligent applications, as the user experience may differ slightly between them.

We hope these resources will make your migration process smooth and successful. Thank you for choosing UPS Customer Solutions.

What’s New?

The way Customer Solutions applications access your shipper accounts is changing. In order for a Customer Solutions product to access your shipping accounts, you will need a UPS.com user account that has the shipping account numbers enabled. Then, you will log into the Customer Solutions applications that need access to these accounts and opt-in to allow the application to use your accounts. This puts the control over which of your shipping accounts are accessible to these products directly in your hands. These steps must be completed as a one-time setup process by the company administrator for the application.  There will be no change for how ordinary end users access or use the application.

Company administrators must complete a three-step process:

  1.  Establish a UPS.com user account. This cannot be a UPS.com account used for CampusShip.

    NOTE: When using the Opt-In method, Changing the password for the user who generated the authorization code will invalidate the previously generated authorization code. Consequently, company admins will need to opt-in again whenever the password is changed.

  2.  Establish Account Associations: Customers can establish account associations directly on UPS.com using recent Invoice Method or a PIN Method sent to the account contact UPS has on file. For large account volumes, contact your account executive for assistance.
  3.  Opt-In: Customers will need to enable access to their accounts by opting in through new administration screens in each Customer Solutions product. Depending on the product, this may involve entering existing UPS.com credentials or entering a Client ID and Secret obtained from UPS.com.
    Because the opt-in steps vary for each product, product-specific steps are documented here in the linked opt-in guides for each product:
    • a)  Some applications will have an opt-in button, which will prompt the user to enter the UPS.com credentials associated with the accounts.
    • b)  Some applications will have a place to enter a Client ID and Secret, which can be obtained from UPS.com. See the document Client Credentials Flow – App Specific.

What to do once I have completed the process?

Once the user is registered and associated the shipper accounts, it’s all done continue using your application as usual.

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